Organized in 1764

Local Missions

Bethel Supports the Local Community

Each Fall, Deacons collect a truckload of Thanksgiving groceries from the church for community members who need them

Bethel Church Deacons Fund

The Deacons Fund and local missions are very much interwoven. The Fund is supported when you give once a month at the door as you leave.

The congregation's gifts impactfully supports folks in need in our Bethel Family and the Clover/York County community. Thousands of dollars annually flow into the fund and the Deacons meet to decide how best to spread the love of Christ through its dispersion.

In addition to providing money to the worthwhile causes listed elsewhere on this page, the Deacons Fund often assists with:
  1. Medical Costs: Folks in the Bethel Family and community that need unaffordable surgeries are assisted
  2. Meals and Groceries: Bethel family members and community members recovering from surgery receive necessary food
  3. Utilities Assistance: Aid with power bills, gas bills, etc. for families struggling to make ends meet
  4. Transportation Expense: Help with travel expenses for those desiring to visit hospitalized family members
  5. Lodging Expense: Assist with family members' hotel bills when they visit their hospitalized loved ones and expenses like rent for people that need a little extra help

When You Give to Bethel Via Your Offering,
The Church Provides Money To Groups Like These

Clover BSRT students hold a yearly program to show parents what they've learned. Glow sticks represent that they are a 'light in the world.'

Biblical Studies Released Time

Biblical Studies Released Time (BSRT) is part of the national Biblical Released Time Education program that provides a legal avenue to deliver biblical instruction to Clover elementary school students. In the Clover area, students whose parents have signed release forms, are picked up at school by BSRT buses and driven to churches where a combination of BSRT paid teachers and church volunteers teach short bible lessons September through April each year. The students are away from campus for less than one hour each week and are taught foundational bible stories, songs and concepts. Bethel Presbyterian is proud to sponsor the program via volunteers and donations.

Clover Area Assistance Center

Clover Area Assistance Center (CAAC) is a local organization that provides an assortment of services to folks in need. CAAC compassionately assists disadvantaged individuals who live within the boundaries of the Clover School District in varying degrees of need with food, financial assistance, health services, and education. Through local partnerships and collaborations, they strive to help people bridge the gap between dependence and self-sufficiency and Bethel has been a faithful co-worker and supporter of CAAC for many years

Clover School District Backpack Program

The Clover School District Backpack Program needs our help in stocking their shelves with food for children and families in need. The BackPack Program provides students at risk of food insecurity with “backpacks” filled with kid-friendly, healthy food to eat over the weekends and during school holidays.

Palmetto Women's Center

Palmetto Women's Center (PWC) is a local Christian nonprofit agency that provides counseling, pregnancy tests, referrals for medical and legal assistance, and parenting classes. Bethel has supported PWC for many years through monetary and baby/mother supply donations.

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF)

Reformed University Fellowship (RUF) is a campus ministry that reaches college students from all backgrounds with the hope of Jesus Christ. Through the ministry of RUF, students discover the love of Christ, find their significance in God’s redemptive story, and engage in the life of His church.

Bethel helps support the Winthrop University campus RUF under Mark Ashbaugh. Mark serves as RUF campus minister and is pleased to call Rock Hill, SC home.