Organized in 1764

Women In The Church 

All Women Who Attend Bethel Are Part of Women In The Church

The lantern wick symbolizes the importance of spiritual life and growth and encourages women to obey Christ's command to shine as lights in a dark world.
Women In The Church (WIC) members serve the church by sponsoring programs for women and children, infant and toddler nursery, Mission to North America (MNA), Mission to the World (MTW), college student and shut-in contact, church social gatherings and bereavement meal service.

WIC Circles provided supper during the 2023 evening VBS

Circle #2 VBS Supper Volunteers
Circle #3 VBS Supper Volunteers
Colleen Riddle Circle VBS Supper Volunteers
WIC Circle #1 Members

WIC Circles Meet Monthly

Every woman who attends Bethel is part of the Women in the Church (WIC) and is warmly invited to join a Circle. A Circle is a group of Bethel women that meet monthly for Bible study, fellowship and support to the church and its mission.

Offerings taken up at Circle meetings benefit many local ministeries like Palmetto Women's Center, Bible Studies Release Time, Clover Area Assistance Center and God's Kitchen. Each Circle also supports regional and international missions.

WIC Circles and Meetings

Circle 1
Meets 1st Tuesday of each month, 10:30 am
Covenant Classroom of Education Building

Circle 2
Meets 2nd Sunday of each month,3:30 pm
Ladies Classroom of Education Building

Circle 3
Meets 2nd Monday of each month, 7 pm
Covenant Classroom of Education Building

Colleen Riddle Circle
Meets 2nd Wednesday of each month,11 am
Covenant Classroom of Education Building

For directions on where Circles meet, click on the arrow below for the Church Campus, then select "Education Building"

Contact Linda Johnson for More Information: